
Deputy Director's Message

The modern style of administration and functioning requires speed accuracy and vividness in communication to accelerate the working system of offices. Today we cannot depend upon the stereotyped postal letter information system which is less reliable, slow and expensive. To get rid of all these short-comings, Deputy Director of Higher Education Una has launched a website www.ddheuna.in to speed-up the official working. All Headmasters and Principals of the respective institutions can make use of this latest facility provided to them for immediate responses saving Time, Money, Energy and Paper. I am sanguine that this endeavor will certainly bring a positive change in functional attitude of all concerned. e-Knows Team the developer of this website deserves my appreciation for putting in all those features which were essentially required by this office.

Deputy Director Higher Education Una
District Una, Himachal Pradesh-174303.
Email Id: ddheuna@rediffmail.com
Telephone No: 01975- 223850